You dont have to beat yourself up at the gym to get in shape. Simple everyday activities help to burn off extra calories by engaging muscles in functional ways.
Adopting these healthy habits can turn your daily routine into a workout in its own right.
The V-Belt is a waist trimmer that you can wear under your workout clothes or regular clothes to help give you an hourglass shape. It also helps to whittle away your waist to facilitate the loss of inches over time.
Just by wearing the V-Belt you’ll be molding your torso into a more toned and tight physique. The more frequently you can wear it, the faster you’ll see a lost off inches that are apparent even when you’re not wearing the V-Belt.
Results may vary in time but can be sped up by applying Gel-V to your skin before putting on the V-Belt. Gel-V is a multipurpose dermo-cosmetic product that helps you melt away fat, lose inches and even erase stretch marks!
A recent study suggests that the optimal ratio of standing to sitting is somewhere between 1:1 and 3:1. That means for every 20 minutes that you sit, you should stand for one hour.
This helps counteract the problems associated with prolonged sitting, including cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. Using a standing desk at work can help you achieve this goal.
If youre stuck with a task that forces you to stay in one position for a long time, try deskercises like calf raises, wall sits, leg lifts, squats and even a little shadowboxing.
Its surprisingly easy to work more walking into your day. Although treadmill desks have gained popularity in recent years, you dont need any fancy contraptions to step up your steps.
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking a little farther away from buildings are two tried and true tricks.
Other trends such as walking meetings and lunch hour walking groups get you away from your desk and help you to refocus when you return to work.
Coffee and lunch dates are great when you need a little downtime, but what if you spent those hours moving around instead?
The next time your friends want to hang out, suggest something active like hiking, biking, playing volleyball, a round of Frisbee or even taking an exercise class together.
Kids dont see physical activity as exercise; they just like to move. Embrace that same attitude with a few childlike activities. Grab your kids and hit the park or your backyard for a game of catch, tag, badminton or hopscotch.
If you dont have any children, offer to watch a friends kids and spend an afternoon playing their favorite active games. You can even hit the playground on your own for a workout that satisfies your inner child.
Sweeping, doing laundry and cooking may not get your heart pumping, but theyre far more active than sitting on the couch and watching TV.
Do as many activities with your own strength as you can. Chop vegetables, stir batter, use a push mower and shop at actual stores instead of online. Every little bit of extra movement makes a difference.
For even more daily tips and motivation follow me on Instagram @VannaBelt!